Saturday, January 7, 2012

Last Day in Paradise

Joshua performing
We had the reception at Rick and Nancy's place last night, with catered food and drinks. After dinner Joshua, accompanied by Luke, reprised his wedding song to Sam, plus a handful of his other songs.

Later on in the evening the die-hard partiers got into dancing and loud music, so we called it a night and went home to get an (somewhat) earlier night.

St Regis Resort
Today we slept in after the big day of the wedding. We had a leisurely breakfast of pancakes, fruit, fruit salad and cereal. Ros did some washing as it is the last chance to do so before we get back to Oz, then it was off to nearby Princeville to have lunch with all the wedding guests at the luxurious St Regis Resort. The views were breathtaking, with multiple infinity pools all leading out to the stunning view of the nearby mountains and beach. Even if you sat with your back to the view it was reflected in the cleverly placed windows behind it.

Rick at head of table of guests
A sumptuous lunch was had by all before the inevitable goodbyes to all and sundry, with much hugging, kissing and photograph taking.

The boys and Gill all left to go to a music store to buy a ukelele (for who I have yet to determine), so Ros and I left to go home. We stopped in nearby Hanalei for stamps and to sample the island's favourite treat - Shave Ice. It's sort of like a slushie but with the ice finely shaved by a special machine and saturated in your syrup of choice. I had a Hanalei Bomb which was passionfruit, lime and mango on top of macadamia icecream. Delicious.

On the way home, it dawned on us we didn't have a key to get back into the place, as we had lost ours the previous night at Rick's while letting of the remainder of the fireworks we still had. So we went back to Rick and Nancy's place and after a short search located the errant key and came home. Right now we are packing for the trip home as we have to get up at 4am tomorrow morning to catch the connecting flight to Honolulu. Then it is the long haul home again, thankfully this time only 10 hours from Honolulu to Sydney then 5 hours home after a 2 hour layover in Sydney. As we cross the International Date Line on the way over, we gain a day and arrive on Sunday night. See you all soon!

1 comment:

  1. 10 hours from Honalulu to Sydney . . . jets must go faster now because when I first flew from Sydney to LA in 1991:
    - Stopping at Honalulu was compulsory because jumbos couldn't make it to LA on one tankful.
    - The flight to H. took (I think) 13 hours!

    That reminds me - I must complete the development work on that teleport!
