Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Death, car troubles and Argentina

I looked up "things to do in L.A." and found the Museum of Death, which piqued my macabre interest, so Ros and I drove up to Hollywood Boulevard to take a look. Very interesting, lots of information about serial killers, suicide cults (think Heaven's Gate), unsolved murders, autopsies, coroner's cases, even traffic accidents, all in their unadulterated glory and uncut. There was even an autopsy picture of Marilyn Monroe, proving once and for all the adage "live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse" does not always hold. Definitely not for the squeamish or fainthearted, but as we are both seasoned nurses, it did not worry us a bit. Unfortunately, no photos allowed, so you'll have to take my word on what we saw.
Museum of Death

After that we found a Subways store and had a 6-inch each. I asked for the smallest drink and they gave me a container I would have called large back in Oz. We shared one between us instead.

Driving back home, we noticed the air conditioner in the car was blowing hot air unless we set the temperature down to the lowest possible. Also the outside temperature was registering as -40F and every time the car started up it warned me of possible icing conditions and to drive carefully. The actual outside temperature was around 75F, so we figured the air con system was faulty. Took it back to the nearest Enterprise car rental place, just over a mile away, but they did not have any premium V6 cars available, so it was a fight through peak hour traffic to the airport branch where we picked it up yesterday for a replacement. Ros stayed at home and had a nap because she was still tired.

Did I tell you it gets dark around here early? It took me around 2 hours for the return trip, in the meantime Ros had woken up and found I was not home, it was dark outside and she became a little worried. She was very relieved when I finally got home with the replacement car, and even more happy when I told her they had knocked 10% off the rental due to the problem developing with the aircon.

By now it was time to join Josh and Sam for dinner, so we motored over to Santa Monica and picked them up. They guided us to the Ushuaia Argentine Restaurant where we had a sumptuous meal all done in traditional Argentine style - needless to say, it was delicious.
Ushuaia Restaurant
We were tired and ready for bed so we dropped Josh and Sam off and headed for home. Tomorrow we move from Luke and Michelle's place to our own place around the corner. Thankfully it is a single level house so Ros's knee will stop complaining about the stairs.

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