Friday, January 9, 2015

Moving Day

Yesterday afternoon we packed up from Luke and Michelle's place and moved to our new residence - nearly! Went to look for the keys to the new place...and we couldn't find them. Turned Ros's handbag inside out, not there. Back to the car and look in her bag and the clothes she was wearing two days ago when we picked up the keys, not there. So it was back to Luke and Michelle's place and unpacked the cases inside, all except my big case because I knew the keys were not in there. Still no luck.
Our new house

Then a thought occurred to me - had I clipped them to the keyring of the car I had exchanged the day before? A call to them revealed the car had been repaired and rented out again for three days and lost property was closed for the day. Just about then I was resigned to booking a hotel room for the night when Ros said "Let's look in your case" so in desperation I brought my case into the house and Ros started looking and there they were! Neither one of us remembers putting the keys in there. Do you know why you always find things in the last place you look? Because when you find them, you stop looking. Needless to say we were relieved.
The offending item

This morning we went and had breakfast with Luke and Michelle and I finally got to meet my grandson Augie. They had all returned from Wisconsin the night before and were a bit sick with colds and gastro but nevertheless were glad to see us. Luke and I went off to his business so I could fix a computer problem for him while Ros stayed behind with Michelle and Augie. We returned home around 6pm for tea then after fixing Michelle's MacBook came home to relax with a little TV watching.

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