Thursday, April 18, 2019

Getty Centre

Today we planned to go down to Malibu to see the wildflowers but the best laid plans of mice and men...
First Ros went with Luke and Augie to meet Michelle (Augie's mother) to arrange his passport renewal. Being a child, his only last two years as they change so much as they grow. I went to Shoes off Broadway up in Hollywood to buy some new runners and casual shoes. Luke dropped Ros off there to meet up with me.

I405 traffic jam
We headed off to Malibu, but Luke texted me and said the download for the old iMac had arrived, so as it was on the way, we stopped at Luke's work and I kicked off the computer upgrade, then we continued on our way. We got onto the I405 freeway but halfway there an accident blocked most of the lanes and the information signs said expect a 90 minute delay. As we were just going past the Getty Centre, we decided to go there instead.

Getty tram
The Getty Centre is a museum and art gallery situated high on a hill overlooking the I405. You park at the bottom ($20 per car - exorbitant I reckon) and catch the tram up the hill.

We came here in 2008 and only managed to see the East building. Today we explored the West building. It contained Impressionist paintings, drawings and sketches by artists from 500 years ago, sculptures, photographs, porcelain treasures, tapestries and elegant furniture. We still only saw a fraction of it before our feet and legs gave out.

We did have lunch there, which was also expensive.

Van Gogh's Irises

One of the paintings I saw was by my favourite artist, Vincent Van Gogh's Irises. I had to take a photo of this priceless painting. After leaving there we returned to Luke's workplace for a rest before going out with Joshua to my favourite restaurant, the Wood Ranch BBQ Restaurant where I had my favourite dish, the smoked Tri-tip beef, cooked to perfection along with an Idaho baked potato and a peanut coleslaw. Then it was home to bed.


  1. Now that is a hold up at a magnitude we never see in Perth,our roads are not that wide to start with
    Getty Center is huge like everything in LA
    Your meal sounds yummy,peanut coleslaw is new to me
    No wonder you went to bed on arriving home, every trip is a marathon Love Mum

  2. Forgot to say I to admire Vincent Van Goth
    Enjoy them all
    Love Mum
