Thursday, August 12, 2010

In Suva

Josef and Jacinta
We slept in today, tired out from the lack of sleep last night and the drive from Fulton to Suva. Finally got down to breakfast at 10 am, only to find it was not included in the price of the room. It cost more per night here than at the Novotel Nadi and that included breakfast! Oh, well, it was still OK. After breakfast we drove into Suva and met Jacinta and her fiancé Josef. They are a lovely couple and very helpful. Jacinta had to go back to work after half an hour, but Josef had the day off and volunteered to show us the best shops to buy some bathers and other clothes. I also managed to find a replacement for my broken noise-cancelling headset. Josef spent a couple of hours helping us out before departing but not before we agreed to meet at 4.30 to watch the movie Salt.

For the rest of the afternoon we tracked down the final student that our church had helped through Fulton College, Ranjani. We found her school after much circling through Suva’s confusing streets. They would be a lot less confusing if they put up more street signs! Once at the school we found out she had left for the day, but managed to get her number from one of the other staff. We called her and got directions to her place, and after another false start going the wrong way, finally found her house and spent some time catching up with her. She was, like all the rest of the students, extremely appreciative of the help our church had given her, saying she would not be in her current position without our help.

Ranjani and Ros

After leaving Ranjani’s place, we motored back to Suva to meet Jacinta and Josef, only to discover the movie Salt had been cancelled. We had to make another choice, and finally decided on Eat, Pray, Love starring Julia Roberts. Since it didn’t start till 6pm and it was only 4.30pm, we decided to eat first and Josef led us to a very nice food hall on the third floor of a local mall. We would have never found it by ourselves. The Chinese food was excellent and we enjoyed Jacinta and Josef’s company until it was time to see the film. The film was also very good, and Ros, who had read the book, said it was pretty faithful to it. Julia Roberts sparkled as always. After that it was home to our hotel and bed.

View from Tanoa hotel

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