Friday, August 20, 2010

Last day at Fiji Palms

Today we just took it easy. Took a lot of photos of the whole group after breakfast, had an hour and half massage with Ros next door at The Pearl resort, very good and relaxing, the rooms were only lit by candlelight and soft, relaxing music playing. I had to be woken up to be told it was over!

After lunch we watched another DVD, Casino Royale, however it was a pirate version, so the sound was dreadful and the picture little better. After that it was a soak in the spa whilst reading. Tonight is Sabbath so we shall rest before getting up early in the morning for the bus trip back to Nadi.


  1. Hi George & Ros, had a couple of day of reading to catch up on, have been very sick & ended up in hospital again on a drip.Starting to feel a little better now but have lost4 kg in 2 days, not recomended! Sounds like you have had a fabulous time & the photos are great. Catch you when you get back. Much love Sue

  2. Have had a busy few days,ending late yesterday when Keith & Shirley arrived to take Blossom home after her two week stay,your trip has been very comprehensive and yet relaxing,great way for a holiday to be.
    Sorry to read that Sue has once more been very ill,will wait to hear more.
    May your trip home be as good as your time in Fiji has been.
    Lots of love,
